Web Ring Liberal
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Fábio V. Barreto


segunda-feira, maio 23, 2005

Interessante esse artigo do Lew Rockwell. Embora ache que ele força um pouco quanto às analogias bíblicas para condenar o protecionismo econômico (talvez o faça em virtude do público ao qual foram proferidas originalmente essas palavras), o artigo é bom. Principalmente esse trecho:

After the fall of communism and the rise of economic liberalization around the world, it is no longer feasible to deny the reality of economic globalization. Rather than bemoan this, we need to see the benefits for all peoples. It means more good and services and lower prices. It means more opportunities for improving the standard of living. It means better relationships between all cultures and peoples. In free trade, I believe, we see the hand of the Creator. We are given the means to cooperate to overcome banishment from the Garden. We will also contend with scarcity. But that should never stop us from living out the Gospel command to go forth into all the world.

Pena que a queda do comunismo não foi completa, assim, como a liberalização econômica do mundo, nem o fim de novas ameaças totalitárias à Humanidade!
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